Lerner 1989

ISBN 0822515873

72 pp. hardcover

Grades 4-8

Submersibles help scientists explore the vast and mysterious depths of the ocean, Earth’s last great frontier. Take a close look at the work done using the Johnson-Sea-Link submersible, and climb aboard to experience a dive to the amazing, alien world at the bottom of the sea.

Reviews & Awards

Kirkus Reviews

“A brief history of undersea exploration, followed by an account of a voyage of the submersible Johnson-Sea-Link…. The excellent color photographs are reproduced with startling clarity, while the subject has elements of romance, danger, and high technology….”

The Midwest Book Review

“…More detailed than most explorations of undersea science, this book will appeal to audiences who already have the basics of natural history under their belts, and who want specifics on how scientific discoveries are made.”

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